Monday, August 30, 2010

Salt of Life or Salt of Sin

TITLE: Salt of Life or Salt of Sin
By Philip Barrington

“And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?” Matt 16:3.

Many times we have heard that the Lord is going to return soon. I believe He is. I myself want to meet Him in the air. In 1 Thess 4:16:18 it says: “Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”

Not knowing all the ailments of this world that point to the coming of our Lord, I still love to hear about those things that should discern us.

As a believer in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, I see that things are so backwards in thought, and actions of those in the world and who are active in sharing principalities and powers
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Eph 6:12.

We can surely see the wickedness of this world and relate it to the soon coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”Matt 24:37

Oh how we can relate to Noe’s day with what is in this world today. With wickedness in high places or authority has this world in disarray.

Even if we do not understand all that is written in the Bible about Israel and those things that are happening to His chosen people. We all can understand that evil is getting worse in the world in which we live.

What, do we not know the event in the Bible about Lot? There was so much wickedness in the plain where Lot was living. So much so that even his family was directly affected.

Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.
Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
Luke 17:28-30

From history and Bible knowledge, we do not need to look very far to relate it to the Lord’s coming. It is so evident and obvious that the World is in so much wickedness that it would be hard not to think that the Lord’s coming is emanate.

When my Kids were young we were out having a picnic lunch with some church folk. Only being thirteen months apart, one of my boys said to me: You know Lots Wife. I said yeah in anticipation what could be coming. He continued, well, you know when we put salt on our food, we are really putting Lots wife on our food. Of course I laughed.

When we really look at what my boy said up close. When we look back to our sin and do what sin is suggesting. Then we are really consuming the world and all of its wickedness. Oh, it may enhance flavour in our lives, but just like Lot’s wife she became part of the earth when she turned into a pillar of salt so shall we become part of the world’s wickedness when we participate by involving ourselves with the sin of the world.

Can we as Christians discern the wickedness of the world and look for our Lord’s coming? Or is it possible that we might fall into the trap of the world’s ideas and be a part of it so we are not recognised by Spiritual standards and diagnosed as hypocrites?

KJV Bible

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Endless Debates

Phils notes on 1 Timothy 3-4

3. As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine,

4. Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.

“As I besought thee to abide, still at Ephesus….” Timothy was left here at Ephesus by Paul.

Paul wanted Timothy to emphasize to the Church at Emphasis to teach no other doctrine than the doctrine of Christ and the Apostles Doctrine. The doctrine needed to be that of scriptural truth.

Paul had the spiritual maturity to know that there may have been some that had doctrine that did not meet with spiritual standards. Because it was some that seem to be the most danger; Paul wanted Timothy to carry on for a while. Paul wanted to make sure that no other doctrine was introduced.

Paul had know the possibilities of fables or things that were untrue. Paul thought it not profitable for these fables to be told.

Paul was very thorough as then he was keyed into the fact that there were genealogies that were endless and had no need in the house of God. There were private and public genealogies of the Jews which showed what tribe they were. And weather they were Priests or Levites. This Cause debates and questions that was not profitable for the Church.

“…rather than godly edifying, which is in Faith.”

It is evident here that it was Paul’s intention to build up the people in the faith and he had the full intention to do so through Timothy. The people of Ephesus needed to be encouraged to have a Godly and enriched from the Doctrines of Christ and those things Paul had Spiritual discernment.

It is important to note that Paul was not against the Biblical genealogies such as written in the Bible today but there were unimportant genealogies that had became a debate and wasting of time of which could of and should have been put into building each other up.

There are many today who will go into endless debates in Churches which I find quite disturbing. Examples of those debates are: Is the Holy Spirit a He or a She? Or Should women be preachers in a Church?

As with Paul’s instruction that is most agreeable by me, we should measure those things which seem debatable with scripture. Paul had many things to say in his writings. Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Timothy and Titus. To save writing I know there are more.

In the day of Paul, He saw that there were problems in the Church and there needed to be some guidance to sort those things out. I wonder what he would think today in today’s world and Churches.

Nevertheless, these writings and instructions became a big part of God’s Word. Since Godly instructions are in the Bible than it should be followed. I guess, then it comes to the question well, if we did everything in the Bible at all times, we would then be sinless.

So what part of the Bible should we do away with? None is the answer. God wants us to be conformed to the image of His Son. As issues in our lives and the understanding of what the Bible says come our way we should listen and contemplate weather or not we are doing the right thing or not. Importantly in church, when we gather to worship Him.

It is important that we build up each other. Let us not fall into the trap of endless debates but encourage one another to examine the Scriptures.

KJV Bible

Gills Commentary

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Eye Sight, My Sight and His Sight

TITLE: Eye Sight, My Sight and His Sight
By Philip Barrington

Note of interest

The word “see” is recorded in the KJV Bible in five hundred and forty nine verses. To have this unique ability to see is a truly needed attribute to our bodies.

You see, this is my Story

Seeing partially because one may have eye problems is disturbing. Thus my story of seeing problems I have had.

From about the age of twenty one, I complained that I could not see properly. With great concern I went to the optometrist to have my eyes tested. With much correspondence they agreed to send me to another eye doctor to investigate my eyes.

After examining me they told me to read under a bright light. Having done this for quite a while, I was still having problems to see.

Marching myself back to the Optometrist, I had my eyes tested again. After my eye test, he told me that I did not really need glasses but there is a slight problem with my vision. I could wear reading glasses if I wanted to.

Opting to wear reading glasses, I struggled because sometimes I did not know where I put them. Well, you know how it is. So reading became a less of a problem.
Only to See the Dirt

Struggling through life as a cleaner, many times I had to get close to the object of cleaning, especially when my boss yelled at me to show me where it was not clean. It was difficult to wear reading glasses while cleaning. For many years, I changed my reading glasses every two to three years.

You See, More Health Problems Found

Receiving an injury to my cervical spine at work, quitting my job was the only option.
In time I moved to the Mountains. During my time here, the pain in my lower back got worse.  Having more scans on my lumber spine, the doctors found that I had a hole in my spine. Goodness knows how it happened.

You See, I needed to see

Also during my time here in the Mountains, I found that I needed bifocals. Wearing them for a couple of years, my eyes seem to have got worse.  I went to the Optometrist. After having the test, I could not pay for my new glasses. I carried on with the glasses I had.

Within approximately, six months, I went back to the Optometrist to have another eye test done. After the eye test the eye doctor said that he could not give me glasses because I had opacities. I would then need to go to a specialist.

Nearly back at my car, Confused, I made a beeline back to the optometrist. I asked very demandingly “What are opacities? Opacities are cataracts. Oh, I know what cataracts are I said with determination.

I then asked; well, how come six months ago you could give me glasses but today you cannot? Reasonable question don’t you think? After things been explained to me; after being assertive with my questions, I finally understood what was happening with my eyes. I did need cataract surgery. Does not “cataracts” sound more common than Opacities?

After about two years of having surgery on two eyes, I only need laser treatment on one of my eyes tomorrow Thursday 29 July 2010. Being fifty six, I can see much clearer now than when I was twenty one. I do wear reading glasses now. After laser treatment is finished, I will probably get long distance glasses for driving.

His Sight

We need to be able to see clearly as Christians. When sin came into the world, the knowledge of good and evil was seen. God had knowledge of the Angel that was cast out of heaven that became Satan.

We need to see clearly, the marks of sin in our own lives so that one can clean it up. Not like I missed the dirty marks at work because I could not see clearly.

How do we see clearly? We see clearly by staying close to God and getting the right information. Unlike me, receiving an unclear diagnosis on my eyes, we need to be close to God and Spiritual encouragement for our Spiritual eye sight.

Once we receive the right spiritual sight, we are then able to see clearly and be more available for our Lord’s service

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Teaspoon or Desert spoon of Faith

I was concerned today because I thought I had it wrong. But now I realize that it is more significant to me more than ever.

It is known that we all have five senses. Although the amount of senses we do have could be debatable amongst cults. For the sake of this writing, let us stick to five senses. They are hearing, smelling, feeling, seeing and tasting. Today, I will only use two senses, hearing and tasting.

To taste in a spiritual realm is metaphoric act that one can have. Hearing is relevant to sound. Or we often refer what we may take note of what is being said and apply it.

“O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” Ps 34:7

This famous verse in Psalms, does not refer to a literal taste, but rather let us be challenged by our Lord, try it out and know that it is good for us.

One may ask the question. How do I know what to taste? Simple answer is by a preacher. Yes! I looked up the word preacher in my dictionary.

To preach is “To advocate or inculcate (religious or moral truth, right conduct, etc.) in speech or writing. 2. To proclaim or make known by sermon (the gospel, good tidings, etc.)

Notice the words in “speech or writing.” I guess we have come in contact where preaching is somewhat yelling from the pulpit. In my days I have met some on fire preaching and I have come across some that just give a soft talk or somewhere there between.

One thing I have noticed is that speaking or writing in a hard tone is not going to do anything to ones body.
Taking one of the other five senses i.e. “taste” If it is too hot it is going to burn our tongue, mouth or our insides. I guess most of us have done that.

It is interesting to note that the Psalmist did not say gulp our Spiritual food and it will taste good. He said taste and see the the Lord is good.

Is tasting much softer than preaching? You see, there is not much difference how we get the message across weather it is in volume, hardness, preaching, by speaking as we know it or writing. The question arises, are we going to taste that the Lord is good?

In my opening sentence, I said, I thought I had it wrong. Debating against myself in this, I could not have it more originally correct, according to the dictionary.

I do believe that preaching can be in writing as well as standing in front of a pulpit. In front of a pulpit you may or may not know your audience. It depends on what the preacher may feel the congregation needs to how he preaches. He could preach hard and loud or he could speak soft or lowly. It could even depend on personality.

With writing, we do not know who is going to pick up the writ. It could be someone needs a hard and to the point message or does someone need a nice soft story? Both may meet the need of the reader.
Regardless how a message is brought to us by our writing, we need to taste. God only expects us to take little bites in our Christian walk with Him. But let us not be surprised if we go from a taste, to a teaspoon of faith to a dessert spoon of faith. as we taste his goodness toward us.

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