It is with dismay that we categorize one person as a Christian and
another not. just on our own assumptions. Isn’t it known that God knows
who belongs to Him or not? Wow! It is so awesome to think we have the
same capability as God. NOT! Yes. it is by their fruits we can recognize
who is a Christian or not. But. what if their fruits are not showing?
Does this make us judges?
Are we glad we are not God, having to choose who is following me? Wow! What a
thought! To be quite honest. I think I would make many mistakes. I
think I would be sending people to the wrong side of eternity. What
about you?
Wow! Just to think we have a God so powerful and knowledgeable goes beyond our human thinking
Therefore it is of my opinion that we not say who is going to heaven and who is not. After all would
we want someone to judge us that way with the potential of putting us on
the wrong side of eternity? Wow! What an exhilarating thought that would be!