I love gifts don’t you. Money, music cds come to mind, of what may be the perfect gift to receive. We also think of the unselfish, who just love to give gifts to others.
The question comes to mind, is this what Christmas is about?
For those who can’t find the perfect gift need not be concerned because God gave his Son as the perfect gift so that we may have life eternal. For those who are desiring the perfect gift need not despair because Jesus died for you as the perfect sacrifice.
Yes, you may say this writer hasn’t got much money for Christmas this year and this is the reason for his view. You are so right. Unless we are humble to accept what God has given us in this life and know we are going to heaven, then anything else is void.
There would be some who know the love of Jesus and also have much money. This is a wonderful gift, because you can reach out to those who may be in need. This is no way a campaign for money, but merely pointing out that money and gifts aren't everything but rather the acceptance of the perfect gift. This perfect, most wonderful and mind boggling gift is the Lord Jesus Christ is an awesome blessing we can receive from God by accepting Him as Lord and Saviour.
Let us not complain about our circumstance but rather let us rely on his power of provision.
God bless
We all hope that our New Year will be filled with goodness everyday but in reality our hopes aren’t always available to us. Yet our Lord’s availability never dies to any demise we may face in this life or before eternity.
It isn’t morbid to talk about our heavenly future unless we don’t know the Saviour of the world who will give us a life of absurdity in heavenly places. The Bible says we are living in heavenly places now, for those who know the Lord Jesus Christ. This means we are only a journey from when we were born to an existence which will last forever.
Then we can look at the other side which is a life without Christ after this earthly life. It is a life which doesn’t give us any hope of an existing life after we leave this earth. But what if I am wrong about heaven and meeting the Glorious Lord? Ah, it’s much better to have a hope in heaven than not have eternal assurity at all and we all know what happens then.
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