Saturday, November 15, 2014

My Faith a Challenge.

Midst our Faith in Good times comes challenges. The question is do these challenges pull you up or pull you down? I believe it depends on our closeness to God. Some things in our lives God wants us to trust wholly on Him. I praise God for bringing me up in a way which pleases Him in my faith. God has given us more than what we could even imagine. He has overflowed blessings toward us because of our faith in Him. I heard a sermon about Abraham and Sarah recently. With Abraham and Sarah being so old and promised a son at their age, then the wait on top of that must have been agonizing for results of Abraham becoming a father of a great nation through his son Isaac. Then we might think of the very absurdity of God to offer Isaac as a burnt offering. There are those in the walk of faith that have forgotten how far we have come. Not only in our christian walk but also in our faith in God over His provisions.

But God has a plan. I say it again: Our "Wonderful" Saviour (He is called "wonderful" in the scriptures) has a plan for you and me no matter how old we are. Because we belong to Him. He brings us through things regardless of the wait for good things, so we can be more like Him. Abraham at his age taking his son which is believed to be "calvary" was going through a faith test. No we havn't reached the end of testing of our faith yet, but let us not forget from which we came. Sometimes there those who are now in a different situation expect us to be in the same sphere of their faith regardless if they have forgotten their faith tests or not. I wonder what would have happened if on the way to the place where Isaac was brought for the burnt offering if people grabbed him and forbade him to offer his only son? Faith needs to be carried out regardless of what others may have against what we are doing.

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