First I would like to say that if God was not made public than how would we know about Him. Yes it is a personal choice to believe in Him or not. As a powerful influence in peoples lives around the world; I would have to say I would rather accept Him than to reject Him. Yes; sure sometimes we do give God the credit of doing something we do ourselves. But is that not relying on ourselves rather than God? Say if you did want to believe in God and you did accept Him whole heartedly; Would you not want to rely on God and watch His blessings come to you and not rely on yourself just as others might? When an individual is contemplating accepting Christ he or she starts on a journey of changing our lives for God and a testimony for others. We as an individual can show love and understanding to show to others. It is you who can make some difference. I would like to say; that very disturbingly; There are those who say they believe in God and they do not. Rather than a crutch; they hid behind a mask. I rather have God to completely to rely on than to have Him as a crutch. A crutch gives the idea that I can do it I just need a little help from God. This is symbolic of a person with a disability who needs something to lean on just to help me a little. Doing things in our own strength and saying to God "I will just use you when I have problems" is not what it is supposed to be. We all fall into that category because of human nature. When we come to accept Christ; It is a complete trust that we give to Him. This means; Whatever happens in our lives has happened for a reason; because we first trusted HIm. It is not good to compare ourselves with others. Rather it is how we compare ourselves to what God wants us to be.
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