Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sickness in the Heart

During my working life with you I have seen all types of media telling their story regarding wars and major events in the world. I have spent my time in trousers, shirts and even on a bed side tables. I have been able to put my own slant on stories gathered around the world. Having money in my pocket has been exciting to gather. When the day ended, I was jammed full.

With a lot of thought, I have been able to select an amount of money to publish what I wanted to share. I have been able to report about the devastation and starvation of children.
The company I work for is grateful because I have earned so much money.

Everything will be okay. The public will have fund-raising events. With this help and without my help, everything will be apples.

Oh no! Not another phone call. It’s singing that same old song “Give them all to Jesus.” I'm going to bury myself deep so I don't hear that annoying song.

“Hello,” a robotic voice blurted on loud speaker.

“I have got to hear this!”

William leapt to see.

“Yes, we have a job for you to report on a story, in a faraway land. Would you like to go? “

A hand went to grab me.

“Again, I can make more money.”

“You will have to share a room.”

William was in doubt about sharing a room. The two men climbed into their separate beds. On the other side of the second bed was another like me on the table.

“Hey, you there, I feel sick,” William whispered.

“No wonder,” said Peter, “Look at yourself, you are so packed full, you will have to give some of that money away.”

“Oh no, I couldn't, I need it to earn money for our company. Anyway, I cannot give money away. Now you have made me sicker.”

The phone rang at that very moment. “Give them all to Jesus” it played.

“Oh be quiet, “said William, frustrated. “

Hello,” Spoke a stern voice.

“Yes, there has been another tragedy. People cannot get through on the roads because of a land slide. Children are without food.”
Oh no, they want money from me again. I am not going to. Anyway what has Jesus got to do with it? William thought, quite disturbed.

The phone hung up. William was so disturbed; he felt sicker. “Oh no; what am I going to do.”

“Do you want some help?” Peter asked.

“You see William, the problem is not just being sick, it is because you look so guilty and you know that there is something you must do.”

“Oh thanks very much, I don't need you to tell me,” William said, obviously offended.

“It is a heart problem. You see when you are nice, soft and ready to give what God wants you to give; then, you will feel better. You do not have to give everything, unless God directly says you should. Opening your heart to him and let him be the judge how much you can give will help your release and the enclosure you find yourself in.”

The next morning, the man that owned William, brought a new wallet with him. Because Williams’ heart was soft and was opened the money went into the new wallet.

William had become New William. The old William had gone. It was thrown out into the trash can.

Peter saw it. He jumped for joy.

“What happened?” Said Peter to new William.

“Oh, I kept on thinking about that song “Give them all to Jesus.” “The words of the song were going around in my head. I realized I had been hanging on to a lot, not just my money but also my heart to Jesus. I prayed for Jesus to come into my heart. Now I have a new life. I am a new William.” He said with happiness in his heart.

“Oh, that is so wonderful New William.” The two men picked up Peter and new William. They left for the landslide to see how God could use them.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Words Cannot be Altered


I got Tenth place for this writing in a writing competition

“And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.” James 3:6 KJV

I guess these are strong words; nevertheless they are words that never can be altered.

A fire can destroy property and ruin one financially even to the point where one needs to move. When we compare this to the tongue that it can set something alight, it can ruin a person’s life in the community.

The Tongue can give a devastation of reputation. The Tongue can leave ashes or things in that person’s life that cannot be repaired.
Photos and personal belongings can be destroyed by fire, as so with our tongue set on fire to ruin ones life and destroy the photo image of one’s reputation.

Satan wants to destroy people’s testimonies not only in churches but in the community so that churches even believe the supposed wrongness that was started by the fire of the tongue.
I was in a Church at one time I thought was right for my Children and myself. The Word of God was preached and I did not have a problem.

Much to my dismay, I was called to a meeting with the Pastor and two other “mature” Christians. Without going into too much detail, I was accused of an unruly act. Not only was this act against the Word of God the Bible, it was also against morality.
Of course the act that I was accused of, I could never do. The rumour got around the small church so bad that I had to leave. This little fire nearly ended our marriage, as we were so distraught.

After a time, I looked up the internet to see what others have done in a similar situation. Yes, with no surprise, some had ended their marriage. Some had moved to a faraway State. And some had even left the country after having such a false accusation done to them.

How big is the tongue of iniquity? It is world size. It is a world size of darkness; evil; immortality; injustice; unfairness and wickedness.

The tongue defiles the whole body or it pollutes the whole body. We have heard much about pollution in this expanding world. We learn over the TV and News media, how we need to clean up pollution. Yet there is not much said about cleaning up the defilement or the pollution in our lives from the fire of the tongue.

If we have a real fire and there were chemicals near by; the air would stink. So do our lives when we defile the whole body and others with our tongue.

The words of the tongue can never be altered weather in beauty or as a fire that could destroy a life.
An affective prayer I have used before.
So let us pray.

Father in Heaven; forgive us this day if we have used our tongue in an unwise way that could have destroyed someone's life. I pray for that person and that he or she will ask God for His wisdom and to guide them in the way that would be pleasing to you. I also ask that you would forgive me for saying things that I should not have said and ask that you will teach me to ask of you what I should say before I speak. I pray this in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ amen.

Note: This writing was inspired by another of my writings but different.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Feeling Alone

A True Story

I was working with a Christian company when I was in my twenties. A sum of money was given to the employees at one Christmas for the sole purpose to give to a missionary of our own choice. I asked my boss about a missionary that he would suggest, to give my donation to.

My heart was in it. I sent the cheque with a kindly letter stating this might help them get back to the mission field. With this correspondence, I thought I would get a thank you letter from them.

On my way to work for a night shift, I quickly retrieved my letters from the mail box. I instantly opened it and read it. My mouth dropped, my heart sank as I read it.

Not remembering now what it said, in a nicely handwritten letter, the content revealed how nasty and how unthoughtful I was supposed to be sending them the letter and the money, because I had no intentions of continuing support.

Feeling alone with disappointment and heart broken, I threw the letter in the bin. Dragging my feet, I continued to go to work with a gloomy heart.

Maybe being a bit more mature, I could have found out what the problem may have been. I certainly did not mean to hurt them in anyway. Whilst I did not feel guilty or in my mind cause the problem, I prayed for them.

What we do or our reaction to things may not be important to us, but they may be important to others. Sometimes we do things not knowing what we do, can hurt another.

Reaction from others may not stem from what we have done. The reaction could be what someone else has done or what they think has been done to them.

My reaction of throwing the letter away may have been an immature thing to do at the time. It could have been what God expected me to do, so He could do what he wanted for their lives.
We can learn from our mistakes and become the person that God wants us to be. At the same time he can deal with the person that we may have had correspondence with, even if we have lost contact.

We need not feel alone. God knows what he is doing.

For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone. Ps 86:10 KJV

Friday, October 29, 2010

Speaking with our Lord Aright.

Speaking with our Lord aright
If I had a conversation with our Lord face to face, I wonder what it would be. Would I tell Him about what somebody else has done to me? I wonder if it would be about what I did for someone else.
It is amazing today how often we say things about others. The amount of misunderstanding in conversation that happens between two or more people is staggering.
Would we discuss the love that we have for our Lord? That would go against man’s nature.
A love one killed by some kind of accident might be a topic to talk to Him about. Maybe we would ask him, Why did you do it Lord? That would be hard to ask a person that question let alone our Lord. Yet there may have been times when that question has already been asked.
A natural disaster has happened the day before we spoke to our Lord. A house is lost, a child dies, or hundreds of lives destroyed. Would we be game enough to ask our lord “why” face to face?
Yet, complaining and asking our Lord is done on a constant basis in our thoughts, our deeds in talking with others, and even in our prayers.
May be our prayers are not answered because we do not give him the praise He deserves. Maybe we are talking or thinking behind his back. Or even discussing what is unnecessary with others.
It remains our responsibility to talk to him in prayer and to others the same way we would talk to him in person face to face.
People get hurt when they find out that what they have said is behind someone’s back. I wonder what our Lord may think. Our blessings, prayers and fellowship could be hindered because of it.
Think about it. Would we want to be hospitable and have conversation with someone who was talking behind our back all the time? I think we would lose fellowship with that person quickly or even instantly.
Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I show the salvation of God. Psalm 50:23

Monday, August 30, 2010

Salt of Life or Salt of Sin

TITLE: Salt of Life or Salt of Sin
By Philip Barrington

“And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?” Matt 16:3.

Many times we have heard that the Lord is going to return soon. I believe He is. I myself want to meet Him in the air. In 1 Thess 4:16:18 it says: “Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”

Not knowing all the ailments of this world that point to the coming of our Lord, I still love to hear about those things that should discern us.

As a believer in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, I see that things are so backwards in thought, and actions of those in the world and who are active in sharing principalities and powers
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Eph 6:12.

We can surely see the wickedness of this world and relate it to the soon coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”Matt 24:37

Oh how we can relate to Noe’s day with what is in this world today. With wickedness in high places or authority has this world in disarray.

Even if we do not understand all that is written in the Bible about Israel and those things that are happening to His chosen people. We all can understand that evil is getting worse in the world in which we live.

What, do we not know the event in the Bible about Lot? There was so much wickedness in the plain where Lot was living. So much so that even his family was directly affected.

Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.
Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
Luke 17:28-30

From history and Bible knowledge, we do not need to look very far to relate it to the Lord’s coming. It is so evident and obvious that the World is in so much wickedness that it would be hard not to think that the Lord’s coming is emanate.

When my Kids were young we were out having a picnic lunch with some church folk. Only being thirteen months apart, one of my boys said to me: You know Lots Wife. I said yeah in anticipation what could be coming. He continued, well, you know when we put salt on our food, we are really putting Lots wife on our food. Of course I laughed.

When we really look at what my boy said up close. When we look back to our sin and do what sin is suggesting. Then we are really consuming the world and all of its wickedness. Oh, it may enhance flavour in our lives, but just like Lot’s wife she became part of the earth when she turned into a pillar of salt so shall we become part of the world’s wickedness when we participate by involving ourselves with the sin of the world.

Can we as Christians discern the wickedness of the world and look for our Lord’s coming? Or is it possible that we might fall into the trap of the world’s ideas and be a part of it so we are not recognised by Spiritual standards and diagnosed as hypocrites?

KJV Bible

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Endless Debates

Phils notes on 1 Timothy 3-4

3. As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine,

4. Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.

“As I besought thee to abide, still at Ephesus….” Timothy was left here at Ephesus by Paul.

Paul wanted Timothy to emphasize to the Church at Emphasis to teach no other doctrine than the doctrine of Christ and the Apostles Doctrine. The doctrine needed to be that of scriptural truth.

Paul had the spiritual maturity to know that there may have been some that had doctrine that did not meet with spiritual standards. Because it was some that seem to be the most danger; Paul wanted Timothy to carry on for a while. Paul wanted to make sure that no other doctrine was introduced.

Paul had know the possibilities of fables or things that were untrue. Paul thought it not profitable for these fables to be told.

Paul was very thorough as then he was keyed into the fact that there were genealogies that were endless and had no need in the house of God. There were private and public genealogies of the Jews which showed what tribe they were. And weather they were Priests or Levites. This Cause debates and questions that was not profitable for the Church.

“…rather than godly edifying, which is in Faith.”

It is evident here that it was Paul’s intention to build up the people in the faith and he had the full intention to do so through Timothy. The people of Ephesus needed to be encouraged to have a Godly and enriched from the Doctrines of Christ and those things Paul had Spiritual discernment.

It is important to note that Paul was not against the Biblical genealogies such as written in the Bible today but there were unimportant genealogies that had became a debate and wasting of time of which could of and should have been put into building each other up.

There are many today who will go into endless debates in Churches which I find quite disturbing. Examples of those debates are: Is the Holy Spirit a He or a She? Or Should women be preachers in a Church?

As with Paul’s instruction that is most agreeable by me, we should measure those things which seem debatable with scripture. Paul had many things to say in his writings. Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Timothy and Titus. To save writing I know there are more.

In the day of Paul, He saw that there were problems in the Church and there needed to be some guidance to sort those things out. I wonder what he would think today in today’s world and Churches.

Nevertheless, these writings and instructions became a big part of God’s Word. Since Godly instructions are in the Bible than it should be followed. I guess, then it comes to the question well, if we did everything in the Bible at all times, we would then be sinless.

So what part of the Bible should we do away with? None is the answer. God wants us to be conformed to the image of His Son. As issues in our lives and the understanding of what the Bible says come our way we should listen and contemplate weather or not we are doing the right thing or not. Importantly in church, when we gather to worship Him.

It is important that we build up each other. Let us not fall into the trap of endless debates but encourage one another to examine the Scriptures.

KJV Bible

Gills Commentary

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Eye Sight, My Sight and His Sight

TITLE: Eye Sight, My Sight and His Sight
By Philip Barrington

Note of interest

The word “see” is recorded in the KJV Bible in five hundred and forty nine verses. To have this unique ability to see is a truly needed attribute to our bodies.

You see, this is my Story

Seeing partially because one may have eye problems is disturbing. Thus my story of seeing problems I have had.

From about the age of twenty one, I complained that I could not see properly. With great concern I went to the optometrist to have my eyes tested. With much correspondence they agreed to send me to another eye doctor to investigate my eyes.

After examining me they told me to read under a bright light. Having done this for quite a while, I was still having problems to see.

Marching myself back to the Optometrist, I had my eyes tested again. After my eye test, he told me that I did not really need glasses but there is a slight problem with my vision. I could wear reading glasses if I wanted to.

Opting to wear reading glasses, I struggled because sometimes I did not know where I put them. Well, you know how it is. So reading became a less of a problem.
Only to See the Dirt

Struggling through life as a cleaner, many times I had to get close to the object of cleaning, especially when my boss yelled at me to show me where it was not clean. It was difficult to wear reading glasses while cleaning. For many years, I changed my reading glasses every two to three years.

You See, More Health Problems Found

Receiving an injury to my cervical spine at work, quitting my job was the only option.
In time I moved to the Mountains. During my time here, the pain in my lower back got worse.  Having more scans on my lumber spine, the doctors found that I had a hole in my spine. Goodness knows how it happened.

You See, I needed to see

Also during my time here in the Mountains, I found that I needed bifocals. Wearing them for a couple of years, my eyes seem to have got worse.  I went to the Optometrist. After having the test, I could not pay for my new glasses. I carried on with the glasses I had.

Within approximately, six months, I went back to the Optometrist to have another eye test done. After the eye test the eye doctor said that he could not give me glasses because I had opacities. I would then need to go to a specialist.

Nearly back at my car, Confused, I made a beeline back to the optometrist. I asked very demandingly “What are opacities? Opacities are cataracts. Oh, I know what cataracts are I said with determination.

I then asked; well, how come six months ago you could give me glasses but today you cannot? Reasonable question don’t you think? After things been explained to me; after being assertive with my questions, I finally understood what was happening with my eyes. I did need cataract surgery. Does not “cataracts” sound more common than Opacities?

After about two years of having surgery on two eyes, I only need laser treatment on one of my eyes tomorrow Thursday 29 July 2010. Being fifty six, I can see much clearer now than when I was twenty one. I do wear reading glasses now. After laser treatment is finished, I will probably get long distance glasses for driving.

His Sight

We need to be able to see clearly as Christians. When sin came into the world, the knowledge of good and evil was seen. God had knowledge of the Angel that was cast out of heaven that became Satan.

We need to see clearly, the marks of sin in our own lives so that one can clean it up. Not like I missed the dirty marks at work because I could not see clearly.

How do we see clearly? We see clearly by staying close to God and getting the right information. Unlike me, receiving an unclear diagnosis on my eyes, we need to be close to God and Spiritual encouragement for our Spiritual eye sight.

Once we receive the right spiritual sight, we are then able to see clearly and be more available for our Lord’s service

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Teaspoon or Desert spoon of Faith

I was concerned today because I thought I had it wrong. But now I realize that it is more significant to me more than ever.

It is known that we all have five senses. Although the amount of senses we do have could be debatable amongst cults. For the sake of this writing, let us stick to five senses. They are hearing, smelling, feeling, seeing and tasting. Today, I will only use two senses, hearing and tasting.

To taste in a spiritual realm is metaphoric act that one can have. Hearing is relevant to sound. Or we often refer what we may take note of what is being said and apply it.

“O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” Ps 34:7

This famous verse in Psalms, does not refer to a literal taste, but rather let us be challenged by our Lord, try it out and know that it is good for us.

One may ask the question. How do I know what to taste? Simple answer is by a preacher. Yes! I looked up the word preacher in my dictionary.

To preach is “To advocate or inculcate (religious or moral truth, right conduct, etc.) in speech or writing. 2. To proclaim or make known by sermon (the gospel, good tidings, etc.)

Notice the words in “speech or writing.” I guess we have come in contact where preaching is somewhat yelling from the pulpit. In my days I have met some on fire preaching and I have come across some that just give a soft talk or somewhere there between.

One thing I have noticed is that speaking or writing in a hard tone is not going to do anything to ones body.
Taking one of the other five senses i.e. “taste” If it is too hot it is going to burn our tongue, mouth or our insides. I guess most of us have done that.

It is interesting to note that the Psalmist did not say gulp our Spiritual food and it will taste good. He said taste and see the the Lord is good.

Is tasting much softer than preaching? You see, there is not much difference how we get the message across weather it is in volume, hardness, preaching, by speaking as we know it or writing. The question arises, are we going to taste that the Lord is good?

In my opening sentence, I said, I thought I had it wrong. Debating against myself in this, I could not have it more originally correct, according to the dictionary.

I do believe that preaching can be in writing as well as standing in front of a pulpit. In front of a pulpit you may or may not know your audience. It depends on what the preacher may feel the congregation needs to how he preaches. He could preach hard and loud or he could speak soft or lowly. It could even depend on personality.

With writing, we do not know who is going to pick up the writ. It could be someone needs a hard and to the point message or does someone need a nice soft story? Both may meet the need of the reader.
Regardless how a message is brought to us by our writing, we need to taste. God only expects us to take little bites in our Christian walk with Him. But let us not be surprised if we go from a taste, to a teaspoon of faith to a dessert spoon of faith. as we taste his goodness toward us.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Blocked Instructions for War

Blocked Instructions for War

“How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?” Romans 10:14

I am feeling very discouraged today in today’s society. People are not willing to hear the Gospel of Salvation nor the teaching and knowledge of God’s Word the Bible.

Having sites on the net, does not seem to entice one to the teaching of the Bible. Christians seem to be too busy to look up a word of encouragement even with modern technology from the computer.

Is it possible that we have become so wrapped up in what we are doing; we are ignoring what other Christians have written? Oh yes, I know what you are thinking. What about you? Is that not the human response? I do plead guilty in this area of my Christian life.

What about the wrongful pride that we could have? Having the attitude, I have been to Bible College I do not need that person to share with me. I am ok. There is big news for each of us. I get so inspired by the simple things that others may encourage in. An example of this is a new born in Christ. There smiling face and their exhilaration for God cannot be ignored.

It is important to squash the pride of he or she is a relative. I do not want to listen to her or him. God’s word stands regardless of what others may teach us. But what someone else says in a certain space of time may be what God wants us to hear.

What about our opening verse in Romans 10:14? Should I stop sharing because people do not want to hear? I think not. We need to understand that no matter how many gospel messages, no matter how many encouragements and no matter how much teaching we give; we as Christians need to understand that we need to keep spreading the message of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

If a person in the military does not know how to follow instructions, then how is one going to be effective in war? We are at war with the evil one. Are we going to get as much as we can from God’s Word the Bible from others to fight this war? Or are we going to sit on the side lines having the attitude of heart; I am not going to listen to you?

Blocking our hearing is not going to stop his Word from being real. Are we going to hear God’s word when we are supposed to, in the space of time we ought to? Or are we going to neglect to hear?
May our thoughts be pondered and our hearing improved.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

oh' to be a Servant

Oh’ to be a Servant

1. Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Saviour, and Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope;
2. Unto Timothy, my own son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. 1Timothy 1,2

Timothy was a Greek name meaning honouring God, or dear to God. Timothy was from Lystra. His Father being Greek; a Greek name was given to Timothy. Timothy was from Lystra in Asia Minor. In today's world would be turkey. His mother. Eunice, and Lois, his grandmother were Jews. Their faithfulness to God was pronounced (2 Timothy 1:5) Paul calling Timothy his true son in the faith was a significant label that paul had given him. (Timothy 1:2, 2 Timothy 3;11.

In 1Timothy 4:14 we read “Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery."

As we look at the above paragraphs, we notice that attributes of a Minister, Pastor or elder stands very clear.

First I would like to point out the meaning of Timothy’s name. Realizing that we all do not have the name “Timothy”, I believe that his name is given as an example to those who are considering a servants position. Nothing happens by chance. We all can use Timothy’s meaning of his name as a challenge before leadership is considered. “Are we honouring to God?” if not we need to seriously consider this label before one enters in the servant’s role.

Next I see that Timothy was from a Christian home. Just as we do not all have the name of “Timothy” nor do we all come from Christian homes. Only God knows the heart of each individual. Having said this, I believe that all my family know the Lord. Yet we are all different and living in different circumstances.

What a challenge, for those that do not have family as Christians? We have a responsibility to share the Salvation Gospel to our family members. I am not saying that you cannot be in a servant’s role because your family is not saved. But Timothy had that witness of being brought up in a Jewish home.

In these two verses we see that Paul called Timothy his “true son in the Faith.” What a witness to have. Paul the Apostle calling Timothy a true son in the Faith must have been an uplifting encouragement.

To be a witness to Timothy’s position as a servant we must consider 1Timothy 4;14. Paul recognizes that Timothy has a gift of being a servant.

I would like to submit that if we cannot be a servant to others in our Christian life, then how can we serve the house of God?

I believe that a Pastor, Elder, Minister should have a servants heart without reservation.
  1. To be a Servant one must be a “True Son in the Faith”
  2. He must be able to have a Christian home or be able to witness to His Family.
  3. He must be a servant and have a servants heart.
Timothy had an outward and inward testimony. It is apparent today that Satan’s accusers have learned to destroy in today’s society. Accusations are made within and without the Church of God. If one has to defend every accusation that comes to us, we are not going to have much of a chance to grow or excel in the ministry that God has for us.

I think the devout leader should consider the accusations as coming from Satan himself and give little heed to that of the accusation. By giving heed has and will destroy potential Pastors, elders, and ministers.

I cannot prove this from scripture that I can think of but, if we Join forces with Satan on the accusation given, we are going to be robbed of the Glory of God in our lives and our position of servitude is going to be stripped away and our ministry stopped or hindered.

Let us take on the meaning of Timothy’s name and be honouring to God. Timothy was used as an example for us as one considers being a Servant of Jesus Christ.
KJV Bible
Phil Barrington

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My great Concern to study Timothy and Titus.

My great Concern to study Timothy and Titus.

With great concern I thought it necessary to do a study on first and second Timothy and Titus. We all have had some dealings with these books of the Bible, if in fact we have been Christians for any length of time. Personally, I have encountered much preaching especially of Pastoral and Elders and Deacons of the Church.

It is true that we leave parts of the Bible out sometimes to meet our own ends or our own interpretation of the scriptures and will influence what we believe. Having said this, we must not leave out the Holy Spirit as he guides us in the time of need to a portion of scripture, in order that we may receive answers.

It may be said that what Paul teaches was different to what Jesus taught in the Gospels. Questions may arise about our gifts or our capabilities that are elsewhere mentioned in Scripture. I would submit to you that this does not leave out the Pastoral Epistles in order to follow another passage that is written somewhere else in the Bible.

Just as it was important to have all four Gospels written, it was also needed that the office of Elders and deacons was needed at the time that Timothy received the letter from Paul. Also it is important to note that it is written for our own instruction. Does one think that the Epistle to Timothy should not have been included in the Bible for our benefit? Just because our society has changed it is a shore fact that the Bible has never changed it's divine instruction.

To say that these Pastoral qualifications should not be followed or rejected in some way is to say the Holy Spirit should have not put these epistles in our Bible for our instruction.

What about our gifts? In scriptural context we can offer our gifts in the society today through the leadership of the Church or even have a ministry created to fulfil our gifts to society and the glorification of Scripture and Lord Jesus Christ through his Holy Spirit.

This is not to discourage what the Holy Spirit wants from you, but I encourage that your ministry will be done in accordance with the instructions that is vividly written in His Holy Word.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 1Timothy 3:16.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Struck by Lightening

Sharon became restless through the night. She pondered with interrupted sleep, about what her next writing would be. Her dad, being a writer, often mentioned writers block. This negative thought kept on coming to her. “This could not be, I couldn’t have writers block” she would repeat over and over again as she tossed about in her bed.

Thunder and lightening woke her up at the crack of dawn. Through sleepy eyes she made her breakfast. Not saying a word, she dressed herself for school.

Adding to Sharon’s stress, her dad having an early appointment was not able to take Sharon to school.
Still down in the dumps, it seemed to Sharon that it took forever to get to the bus stop. While waiting for the bus, a word was not spoken. Her silence was kept while the bus engine noise changed, as it went up and down the hills.

Tony was absent in his thought. “She would probably knock my block off if I say something.” He would think, as he looked over to her occasionally.

Sharon’s spiritedness had gone; the morning went slowly and quietly. A glum look on her face was a disturbance to the class. As the morning progressed; Sharon seemed to be almost in tears.

With relief, the lunch bell rang. Sharon was so upset that she did not want to speak to Tony. Tony knew that Mr. Teasdale was going to be on lunch duty.

Tony went over to him quickly. “Sir, Sir, may I speak with you?” Tony enquired.
“Yes, what can I do for you?” asked Mr. Teasedale
“Sir, Sharon looks sadder than what I was before I became a Christian.”
Together, they walked over to the corner of the auditorium where Sharon was sitting.
“What is the problem Sharon? is it because of the stormy weather?” asked, Mr. Teasdale as they were getting closer.
“No,” she said, looking at the ground.

Mr. Teasdale looked at her again with concern. While bending to her level, he continued. “There has got to be something wrong. Where is the bright sparkling Girl?”

Her mouth drooped, “Sir, I think I have lost my ability to write. I just cannot seem to find something to write anymore; my Dad calls it writers block.”

Mr. Teasdale smiled at her “Did you know we are looking for someone to do our School flyer?”
Sharon looked up at him. “Sir, could I do it?”

Looking at him with seriousness, “I mean what if I get writers block?”
While standing, Mr. Teasdale continued. “Sharon, you have all your friends to help you. They will be able to inspire you.”

Tony broke his silence, “Hey Yeah, and if we pray, God will help us to know what to write.”
Sharon looked at Tony with a cheeky smile. “Who said you could help?”
From that moment, Sharon’ personality started to shine.
Mr. Teasdale left to continue his playground duties.
Sharon got up and turned her head towards Tony, “Tony, you said something that struck me like lightening.”
“What is that?” Tony asked with interest.
“You see Tony; I think I forgot the most important thing about writing.”
“So what did I say to strike you like lightening?”
“I forgot to pray. I did not ask God to give me the inspiration I need to write.”
“May be we can pray now.” Tony suggested with confidence.
“Right now, In the middle of the playground?” Sharon asked, waving her hand in front of her.

With much frustration, Tony felt that he needed to say something to Sharon about the way he had been treated during the day.
“Sharon, I have been trying to talk to you all day. You have had writers block. I have not been able to talk to you. If you do not pray, I am going to knock your block off.”
Tony, being a young Christian, began to apologize. “You are right Tony, no need to apologize.”
Standing in the playground they both went to silent prayer to ask God’s blessing on the new school flyer.
After speaking with God, they both went to their friends around the playground to get some ideas for the new school flyer. As they did, God gave them the inspiration they needed.

At that point the only block that was removed was the writers block.

Brian’s New Job

Mr. Brown was a busy man. He did not have the help he needed. Publishing Tony and Sharon’s tract was deep in his thoughts. Disappointing them would break his heart.
Brian’s life as a writer and editor had become full and overwhelming. He was concerned that his business was affecting his family.

Mrs. Brown had been watching her husband get so bogged down with work. Lost in her thought on how to help, she diligently served her husband with coffee and made sure that his meals were cooked.
Ding dong, the door bell rang just as Mrs. Brown was serving coffee. Looking stressed, Mrs. Brown went to the door. “Oh, hello,” said Mrs. Brown, recognizing her visitor. “Come in Brian. Would you like some coffee?” She asked, while placing a coffee jug on the living room table. “Jack won’t be a minute; he is just about to have his morning break.”

“How is your son Tony? Mrs. Brown asked.”
“Oh, I cannot keep up with him, since he has become a Christian.” Jack said with a smile.
Looking very dreary, Jack came into the living room. “Hi Brian,” he said bending slightly over shaking his hand. “How can I help you?” he asked while sitting down.
Mrs. Brown quietly left the room, realizing the two men need to talk.
“I am very discouraged. I have been looking for work. I cannot find a Job.” He said with a lump in his throat.
“What kind of work are you looking for? Asked Jack with concern.
“Oh, I am a graphics and printing specialist,” Brian said with enthusiasm.
A sudden change of a bright countenance came across Jacks’ face. “I have a small business; I could employ you to do my graphics for me for a few hours a week.”
Mrs. Brown was coming in to offer more coffee when she overheard what was said. “You will be able to finish off Tony and Sharon’s tracts.” Mrs. Brown said with glee.
Brian’s discouragement disappeared. “That would be so helpful.” He said with a smile.
“I am just so busy that I just have not got time to keep up with all I need to do. My life as a writer and editor is overwhelming, Jack exclaimed.”
“I know the life of a writer is busy.” Brian said with concern. “I could start on designing Tony and Sharon’s tracts today,” Brian suggested.

With a peace and in great spirits, they entered the computer room to start work. The writer’s life for Jack was not so burdensome any more.
The hours went quickly. Before they knew it, Tony and Sharon sprang in the door from school, as Jack and Brian were just finishing for the day.

“Mum said that you were over here, so we came over to see how the tracts were going,” said Tony.
“Well, Sharon’s Dad has just employed me.” Brian exclaimed. “Wow,” said Tony. “Did you finish it?” Did you finish it?” Tony asked with excitement.
“No, not quite, Mr. Brown has to review the tract tomorrow before I do the draft print.” Brian said, looking around.
“Oh, such is the writer’s life.” Sharon said with a sigh, breaking her silence.
Jack, Mrs. Brown, Brian and Tony all laughed at what Sharon said.
Why don’t we all have afternoon tea? Mrs. Brown asked, while still laughing.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sharon’s New Friend

“Sharron was a bright girl, who had only been at school for a short time. She often brought to school her unfinished tracts, to review them. In her attempts to finish them, she had lost one very important paper. She searched diligently every day. With disappointment her search was in vain.

As she sat on the school seats, she was so disquieted. Suddenly she noticed one boy that seemed so different. Sharon ran spritely over to him. “My name is Sharon, What is your name?” she asked as she stopped suddenly in front of him. “My name is Tony, and my friend is Jesus,” he said with much joy. “Wow, I am a Christian too,” Sharon said. “How did you become a Christian?” Sharron asked.

Tony began to share his testimony. “Well, I found a piece of paper on the ground, I could not understand it, because someone trod on it, I went to my teacher to ask if he could explain it to me. After school he took me to Mrs. Price who explained it to me.”

“Where is that piece of paper now?” Sharron asked excitingly. “Oh, I never leave home without it,” said Tony. Sharron’s face dropped. “What’s wrong?” Tony asked. “You see Tony. I love writing,” said Sharon. “Me too,” said Tony. “I was trying to write a tract and I lost my piece of paper.” Sharon paused for moment. “I am so glad that you came to know Jesus, but may I have a look at it to see if it is mine?” She asked. “Yes sure,” said Tony. Tony pulled out the paper from his pocket. Without delay, they sat down together. Sharon looked at it. With a pleased look in her eyes, she recognized her own piece of paper.

“I have a great idea,” said Sharon,” giving the paper back to Tony. “My father is an editor, he will be able to review my writing and maybe we can write a tract together.” Sharon said excitingly. “Yes,” said Tony. “I may be able to share how I became a Christian.”

Whilst exchanging addresses and phone numbers, Tony and Sharon realized that they only lived in the next street from each other. Tony caught the bus home, but Sharon’s father picked her up after school every day. They did not realize that they lived so close to each other.

“Tony, I will ask my dad if he can take you home as well,” Sharon said. “I will need to ask my parent,” said Tony.

The next day all arrangements were made for Sharon’s dad to pick up Tony from school. With Tony’s surprise, arrangements were made by their parents to go to Sharon’s house for drinking Chocolate and cake.

“Now, what is this about a tract? Mr. Brown asked. They both began to speak to tell there story at the same time. Woo now, “one at a time” Mr. Brown said. Suddenly there was silence. Tony broke the silence. He shared his story how he found the piece of paper and how he became Jesus’ friend.

After Tony was finished talking, Sharon shared how she lost the tract that she was putting together. “You see dad, we both realized you’re an editor and thought you would review what I have written, and Tony wants to share how he became a Christian.” Sharon said, knowing that her dad would agree.

“Ok,” said Mr. Brown. “I will critique and edit your manuscript.” “Then I will get back to you, so you can review all the changes I made.” “Tony, could you write out your testimony on how you became a Christian?” Mr. Brown asked.

“Oh, yes, I will go to my favorite spot tomorrow at school and write it out,” said Tony.” Could you check it over to make sure I got my spelling ok?” Tony asked, “Oh. Yes, I certainly will review your testimony to make sure it is put together right for you,” Mr. Brown said

While, having a glass of Chocolate and more cake, “I have three friends now, I have Jesus in my heart, I have your dad as a friend, and you’re my best friend at school,” said Tony.” “You’re my best friend too,” said Sharon. “You know what Tony? You will get some real good friends that will help you, now that you are friends with Jesus.”

Friday, May 14, 2010

“Tony’s Faithful Friend"

“Tony was a very nervous boy at the age of twelve. During lunch he would write short manuscripts behind a brick wall in the school grounds. He often showed what he wrote to his teacher.

Rejected by his class mates, school became a burden for Tony, He hung his head in despair as many attempts to have one faithful friend, failed.

On a very hot day, Tony was so discouraged he did not go to his favorite private location to write. Hanging his head, watching the sunlight reflecting from the pavement, Tony stumbled on a piece of paper. Looking around he carefully picked it up. Cautiously, he put it in his pocket.

Secretively, Tony went behind the building to read his find. Anxiously, unscrambling his piece of paper, Tony started to read. “For God so loved”. Tony stared hard, raised his head in thought. Anxiously, Tony whispered, for God so loved what? Who? He stared at the paper again, and said “hang on; there is a bit more here.” “That he gave” Oh no, said Tony. It does not say what he gave. A foot print had covered some words. Tony could not make out what was written. In the faded part of the foot print, more words were made plain. “That…. Believeth in him should not perish but.” Tony became distraught.

With tears in his eyes, he carefully folded the crumpled paper and put it in his top pocket. With dirty marks down his cheeks, Tony went to class. With carefulness and with a lot of heart, his teacher Mr. Teasedale asked, what is the matter Tony? Why have you been crying? Sir may I talk to you? Well I can, said Mr. Teasedale. What about after school. Tony reluctantly agreed.

For the rest of the day, tony was not able to concentrate on his work. Knowing the torment that tony was going through, Mr. Teasedale. decided to give the class an early mark.
Tony followed his teacher to the principles office. He was so scared that he thought he was in trouble. Don’t worry, the teacher said. I am only taking you where we can talk. Knowing that the principles assistant Mrs. Price was going to be there, they continued down the corridor. What about my bus home, tony asked? We have phoned your parents. O, oh, said Tony, thinking he would be in trouble.

Mrs. Price was waiting at the door when Mr. Teasdale and Tony arrived. Come in she said. Now what seems to be the trouble?

Nervously, Tony reached in his pocket pulled out the manuscript that he was so concerned about. With his head down, Tony began to explain. You see Mrs. Price, I do not have any friends, while I was in the playground looking at the ground, I found this piece of paper that someone had written on. Words are missing and someone trod on it, I cannot understand what it is saying. Slowly, Tony handed the paper to Mrs. Price. Reading it quickly, oh Tony, she exclaimed. Would you like this writing explained to you? She asked. Could you? Asked Tony anxiously.

Mrs. Price started to explain. You see Tony, this looks like to me, that someone has written a selection of text from the bible. Someone has put together part of a manuscript for a tract, as she unfolded more.
Because the writing is hard to read, let me tell you what it says. “For God so loved Tony that he gave his only begotten son that if Tony believes on him he shall have everlasting life.” It doesn’t say that said Tony, he said with concern. You see, Tony, the missing words refer to the person who reads it. God really loves me? Asked Tony, Yes he does she answered. You mean I can have a friend? Asked Tony with expression of joy, yes said Mrs. Price. When Jesus is your friend you will one day be with Jesus in heaven, she said assuredly.
Not realizing, that Mr. Teasdale was standing behind Tony and Mrs. Price, she knelt on her knees with Tony as he asked the Lord Jesus to be his friend.
With tears streaming, Mr. Teasdale came in front of Mrs. Price and Tony and said. I have also asked Jesus to be my friend. Thank you Tony, he said, for picking up the small manuscript, now we are both friends of Jesus.”

Friday, May 7, 2010

Pathway to a delightful adventure

God wants to use you and me. You and I need to be available for God’s use. Our words need to be powerful. Our words need to be understood. The most powerful word and its meaning is eternity and where we spend it. The most destructible action is not to do anything about our eternal state.

Where we spend eternity is a solemn thought. For some, introducing the thought of one’s destiny might be devastating or harsh. Others may prefer a soft way to introduce the thought of where our eternal destiny lies.
With subtleness, one man thought it necessary to share his profound faith on the streets of Sydney. With God given ability; not able to write his own name with clarity; Arthur Stace was able to write the word “eternity” on the pavement in various suburbs of Sydney.

God has given the fundamentals of writing to us, His creative beings. The enablement of learning to write has been taught to us since the age of a Child. Some have struggled with writing, realising this, the ability to write well is a delightful adventure.

Arthur Stace received a special gift from his Lord. On the pavements of Sydney, Arthur used his gift to write the word “eternity” He also prayed to ask God what suburb he was to write this message.

Asking God what to write before we write should be a priority for the Christian writer. Using our skills, talents, and what we have been taught is essential. We also need to be lead by the Holy Spirit putting into practice the gifts we have, for our Lord’s service.

Spiritual blessings are ours by implementing the use of our gifts into our lives. Arthur Stace used his gift. After Salvation he went on an unstoppable journey pleasing his Lord and Saviour.
Our pathway to a delightful adventure is accepting Jesus Christ as our personal saviour so that we can answer the most powerful word “eternity” and where we
spend it.

To read full story of Arthur Stace, copy and paste the link below into your browser.

Friday, April 30, 2010

The travelling Reader

Posted 30:4:10
Often, reading is difficult especially legal papers which are very hard to understand. Unless a solicitor is there to help us understand its legal jargon, the legalities written, are not easily understood.

Some books or other writings are also hard to understand. Even though the writer is diligently conveying the thoughts of the text, the writing needs to be reflected to the reader.

In today’s world, to understand the Bible is more difficult. A preacher, teacher, commentary or other help is needed to understand the text. Critics may say the knowledge of English is getting worse. Maybe, English is not studied as it should be.

In Acts chapter eight, the story of Philip meeting up with the Eunuch is recorded. Understanding the prophecy of Isaiah chapter fifty three, could have been the difficulty the eunuch was facing. The problem, not understanding scripture is the same today as it was when Philip made plain the text of Isaiah to the Eunuch.
God, seen a need for the Eunuch to understand what he was reading. God sent an angel to instruct Philip to get up and travel towards the South that leads from Jerusalem to Gaza, through the wilderness of Judah. Doing what the angel said, Philip met up with a eunuch. He held an office; he was a Lord chamberlain or steward of the household. Regardless, he had authority.

Philip and the eunuch came together in a conversation that changed the eunuch’s life. Philip, seeing the Eunuch reading the Bible, asked him a question. “Understandest thou what thou readest?” “How can I understand, except someone guide me? Therefore pray come up, and sit with me.” The eunuch needed an explanation from the writing of Isaiah chapter fifty three.

Philip, explains the gospel concerning Jesus Christ and him crucified, using the text Isaiah Chapter fifty three. Like the eunuch, the reader needs explanation to what is read. Reading the Old Testament and Revelation may be a challenging ordeal. Like Philip the evangelist, there is a need for pastors, ministers, teachers, and elders to explain the scriptures.

What a blessing that can be ours when scripture is understood by the reader. The Christian can go on to better and wonderful enjoyment as he is our light that shows the way.

The eunuch whilst still travelling, as he was still going forward, seeing water, the eunuch saw the need to be baptized. What a true testimony of the Eunuchs conversion to follow Christ to be obedient to Him.
Be encouraged today. The reader needs to understand what is being read so that God’s blessings can be poured out.
References are from KJV Bible
Studied using: Mathew Henry’s Commentary.

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Writing on the Wall Daniel 5:1-31

Posted 23:4:10
It is said that the saying; “the pen is mightier than the sword;” dates back to the ‘Institution of Christian Prince' However; God had in his known wisdom knew that words and writings would have an impact on people’s lives.

Let us consider for a moment the King Belshazzar. In Daniel Chapter 5; The King was having a great feast and drank wine with a thousand of his lords. The King commanded that the golden and silver vessels be taken out of the temple so that his wives, concubines and his princes can drink out of them. They drank and praised the gods of precious stones and of brass, stone, wood and even Iron.

Could you not imagine the surprise that King Belshazzar experienced? He was having a party; drinking to a thousand of his lords; took the vessels out of his Fathers temple; A hand appears on the wall writing. There would have been the smell of drink. The noise, and interaction that elevated the excitement. Suddenly; a hand writes on the wall. I do not know about you, but I would have been shaking in my boots.
Daniel 5:6. “Then the king's countenance was changed, and his thoughts troubled him, so that the joints of his loins were loosed, and his knees smote one against another.” Surprise!

Belshazzar called those that he could to make sense of what was written on the wall. No human inventory power could understand what was written on the wall. The Queen sees the King in distress. She wanted him to live. No doubt she also must have been scared. She has a solution to the problem. She reminded the King that when his father was alive Daniel had wisdom. She goes on to say that he can help now.

Daniel being brought to King Belshazzar is now offered gifts if he could interpret the writing on the wall. These gifts were also offered to the astrologers and soothsayers who could not interpret the writing on the wall. Daniel in his wisdom did not want these gifts. Daniel did not want gifts to be a hindrance in his life. King Belshazzar had no doubt had the wrong treasures.

Daniel begins to tell the king some very important interpretation. “MENE” “God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it.” “TEKEL” “thou art weighed in the balances and art found wanting” “PERES” “Thy Kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.”
In Daniel 5:30 King Belshazzar was slain.

What is mightier; the pen or the sword? One may ask. God did not use a pen, but rather he wrote with his finger on the wall. It is what is written that matters. King Belshazzar needed to get his heart right with God. This was such a powerful message to the King. God knew that the method of getting the message to Belshazzar was to shake him in his boots by writing on the wall. The message of where eternity is spent is more powerful than being slain by a sword. To die without Christ there is no power; only a power of a lost and accelerated wasted life to the wrong side of eternity.

Let us therefore be diligent in writing for the reason; the pen is mightier than the sword in spreading the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
References and story taken from the KJV

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What about You

It is with dismay that we categorize one person as a Christian and
another not. just on our own assumptions. Isn’t it known that God knows
who belongs to Him or not? Wow! It is so awesome to think we have the
same capability as God. NOT! Yes. it is by their fruits we can recognize
who is a Christian or not. But. what if their fruits are not showing?
Does this make us judges?

Are we glad we are not God, having to choose who is following me? Wow! What a
thought! To be quite honest. I think I would make many mistakes. I
think I would be sending people to the wrong side of eternity. What
about you?

Wow! Just to think we have a God so powerful and knowledgeable goes beyond our human thinking

Therefore it is of my opinion that we not say who is going to heaven and who is not. After all would
we want someone to judge us that way with the potential of putting us on
the wrong side of eternity? Wow! What an exhilarating thought that would be!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Offences; Lies; Cults & deceitful leaders.

1Cor 9:18 What is my reward then? Verily that, when I preach the gospel, I may make the gospel of Christ without charge, that I abuse not my power in the gospel.

1 Corinthians 10:32 Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God:

Philippians 1:10 That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ;
2 Corinthians 6:3 Giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed:

Romans 16:17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

Romans 14:20 For meat destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence
Acts 24:16. And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men.

Luke 16:31 & 17:1 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.  Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!
Matt 16:23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.
Ps 40:4 Blessed is that man that maketh the LORD his trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.
James 3:14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.
Proverbs 14:5 A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.
Proverbs 14:25 A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies
Proverbs 19:5 A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape

Proverbs 19:9 A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish.
Proverbs 29:12 If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked

Cults &deceitful leaders

2 Timothy 3:5
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

2 Cor 11:13-15
13. For such [are] false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15. Therefore [it is] no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Laying in Wait. Do not Consent.

Proverbs 1:10-19
10. My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.
11. If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause:
12. Let us swallow them up alive as the grave; and whole, as those that go down into the pit:
13. We shall find all precious substance, we shall fill our houses with spoil:
14. Cast in thy lot among us; let us all have one purse:
15. My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path:
16. For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood.
17. Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird.
18. And they lay wait for their [own] blood; they lurk privily for their [own] lives.
19. So [are] the ways of every one that is greedy of gain; [which] taketh away the life of the owners thereof.

10. My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not
In verse ten it say's do not say ok to fall into sin by doing something evil that is directly from satan himself.

11. If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause
Here in verse 11; It is known that these things happen; by the words ""if they say..." First we are instructed not to go." Then the evil is said. "Let us lay wait for blood.."It is planned. Then they are going to do things to the innocent without any reason. When we have a loved one hurt or injured because someone does it to us; we often get the question; why? He or she was a good person. They did not deserve this. We torture ourselves trying to find the reason.

12. Let us swallow them up alive as the grave; and whole, as those that go down into the pit:
We hear it in the news all the time how people turn against people; yet there is no reason for it. They just do it. This is how satan works; he wants people to lay in wait to destroy others.
Laying in wait mentally and even in our hearts is wrong as wel. ie He or she did this to me; now I am just waiting for even worse thing to happen to them. No matter how we juice it up; We are harmfully to others and ourselves lurking as satan wants us to do; to destroy our own souls.

13. We shall find all precious substance, we shall fill our houses with spoil:
The one who literally lurks and waits, wants substance, wants others possessions by taking & stealing. I would like to submit that if it is in our hearts to get vengeance; we want substance. We tend to want something to happen to them. We want to take possession of the vengeance that we think or maybe deserved. We want to fill our life, the house that God has given us ie our bodies and fill it with the spoil of vengeance, or see what happens when you do this to me.

14 Cast in thy lot among us; let us all have one purse 
15. My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path
Another exhaultation not to go down this road. Let us learn to walk the narrow path with the Lord Jesus.

16. For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood.
You see this is not good. Have we not heard a robery go wrong and someone was killed. It is most likely in lurking and steeling or robery can lead to innocent blood being shed.
Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird.
When a bird is cought by the net. It is obscured from the bird. so the bird can be cought. It is very unlikely that a bird is going to be cought knowing that the net is in sight.

18. And they lay wait for their [own] blood; they lurk privily for their [own] lives.
Those that do such things know that they lay in wait for their own destruction. They wait leisurley to destroy and to steal. They get anxious and want to do it quickly. What a way of destroying peoples lives that satan has put in their hearts to do. In their own demise they are brought to destruction themselves.
They are like a silly bird that sees the net for their own trap and they take the bait. These people do not take the warning of the net.

God sees and says in the bible that we are more valuable than the bird. Since we are more sensible than the bird ; would you not think that we would stay away from the net of sin and be cought up in it? Job 35:11 says we were made wiser than the fowls of heaven.

The bird trapper will hide the net so he can catch the bird. But the sinner does see the net of his life being ruined by the lurking and stealing. It may not be their intention to have his life ruined, but to get the point accross; he or she is being a silly bird that sees the net of being cought.

It is possible that they may escape the law. But there is a divine retribution that will follow he or she of their days. Remember, Vengeance comes from God.

Heberews 10:30 For we know him that hath said, Vengeance [belongeth] unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people For we know him that hath said, Vengeance [belongeth] unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.
They will not want to live. They may not live out half their days. They have no reason to be proud of their possessions.

Matthew 16:26. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Heberews 10:30 For we know him that hath said, Vengeance [belongeth] unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people For we know him that hath said, Vengeance [belongeth] unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.

Even though Hebrews 10:30 verse is here in God's word; and we can claim it in our own lives. Let us not lay wait for something evil to happen to someone because they did something to us or our loved ones. But rather take it to heart that it is God's business and leave it entirely to him.

I can surely testify of what others have done to me. But I leave it to God to take care of it the way he wants to and I refrain myself to fall into the trap of laying in wait.
My encouragement is:

1.Do not walk with those who want to lay in wait to destroy peoples properties, stealing or their lives.
2. Do not lay in wait in our hearts to see recompense that God may do; but realize it is God's business.

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