Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Blocked Instructions for War

Blocked Instructions for War

“How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?” Romans 10:14

I am feeling very discouraged today in today’s society. People are not willing to hear the Gospel of Salvation nor the teaching and knowledge of God’s Word the Bible.

Having sites on the net, does not seem to entice one to the teaching of the Bible. Christians seem to be too busy to look up a word of encouragement even with modern technology from the computer.

Is it possible that we have become so wrapped up in what we are doing; we are ignoring what other Christians have written? Oh yes, I know what you are thinking. What about you? Is that not the human response? I do plead guilty in this area of my Christian life.

What about the wrongful pride that we could have? Having the attitude, I have been to Bible College I do not need that person to share with me. I am ok. There is big news for each of us. I get so inspired by the simple things that others may encourage in. An example of this is a new born in Christ. There smiling face and their exhilaration for God cannot be ignored.

It is important to squash the pride of he or she is a relative. I do not want to listen to her or him. God’s word stands regardless of what others may teach us. But what someone else says in a certain space of time may be what God wants us to hear.

What about our opening verse in Romans 10:14? Should I stop sharing because people do not want to hear? I think not. We need to understand that no matter how many gospel messages, no matter how many encouragements and no matter how much teaching we give; we as Christians need to understand that we need to keep spreading the message of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

If a person in the military does not know how to follow instructions, then how is one going to be effective in war? We are at war with the evil one. Are we going to get as much as we can from God’s Word the Bible from others to fight this war? Or are we going to sit on the side lines having the attitude of heart; I am not going to listen to you?

Blocking our hearing is not going to stop his Word from being real. Are we going to hear God’s word when we are supposed to, in the space of time we ought to? Or are we going to neglect to hear?
May our thoughts be pondered and our hearing improved.

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