Saturday, November 7, 2009

Confidence in Challenges

When David was accused of just wanting to see the battle. And that David was accused of being proud. Saul sent for David. The men told all things to Saul. Now the opposition arrives from the top. The opposition first came from David's older brother. Then from the men who were at the scene of the battle. Now it goes to Saul. What opposition came from Saul? 1 Sam17:33.
Oh Christian, let us take that opposition for a moment. You cannot give a message to a Church or ladies group. You have not been to bible college. You have not had any experience. You cannot do this.
David came back with an aswer. I kept my fathers sheep. There came a lion, and a bear. and took a lamb out of the flock. I went out after him. I smote him, and delivered it out of the mouth. When he came against me. I cought him by the beard, and smote him, and slew him.
Can you imagin a young person saying this? I can. Can you imagin what we might say? But (pastor, teacher, leader in the church) I have fought satan, and the things of life that have come my way. I have fought it with the sword of the Spirit. I have something else happening to me right now and with God helping me, I am going to overcome it. Just like I did before. You see Christian, We do have the same God as we did in the last battle . Even opposition is going to come through the top ranks of Christian service.
Verse 37 David said moreover, the Lord that deiivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of he paw of the bear, he wil deliver me out of he hand of the philistine.
You see Christian, We have the same God that led us out of the last battle, He will deliver us from the battle we are in and the next battle until we go to be with Him and our battles will be over to live at peace with the Lord Jeus. Amen!

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