Saturday, November 7, 2009

Boldness in Challenges

Saul knew and recognised that the Lord is with David. What a recognition when Others see our confidence when we are challenged. Saul even armed David with his armour. But David put them off him. David chose five stones out of the brook. He had his sling in his hand. They came near each other. The philistine dispised him. He did not like the look of him. He was a youth, and ruddy.

David was cursed by this Philistine. David said you have come with a sword and a spear. I come to thee in the name of the Lord. Can we be as bold as David when we are challenged? Or do we get upset or timid when challenges arrive. David had the know how. He looked after sheep. He killed a lion and a bear. He knew the Lord so well.

Verse 46 and following in 1Samual 17 David knew what the Lord was going to accomplish. If we are in tune with God.Then we will know that we are going to accomplish the challenges that the Lord gives us. God has given us the experiences in life to accomplish a greater thing for God. Let us take the challenges of life on board with confidence. Not with lack of assurity. Lack of assurity and confidence in him will not win the battle, therefore no victory In Christ.

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