Saturday, November 7, 2009

David’s Victory; Saul’s Envy during Challenges

In 1 Samuel 17:57 There was evidence of victory. Abner took David to Saul with the head of the philistine.Victory was evident. In chapter 18:2 Saul took David in and would not let him go to his fathers house.
n vs 5 David went wherever Saul had sent him. David produced to be wise. Saul apointed David to be over men of war. David was well accepted.

Let us recap. David killed golieth. David had the victory. Brought into Sauls house. He was made to be over men of war. David was wise. This seems like David had met the challenges that were before him. But there is more.

Saul started to get the green monster streek jelousy!! OH NO!!!!. Yep The people claimed David to win over tens of thousands in the battles. But Saul they said He had claimed only thousands in the battles. Now the fierce looking Saul (If you can imagin) In verse 9 "And Saul eyed David from that day forward". Verses 10 and 11 In the midst of everybody, he claimed he was going to smite David. Saul threw the Javelin into the wall. David avoided it twice. In verse 12 Saul was afraid because the Lord was with him.

In verse 14 David was wise in all that he did. The Lord was with David. Saul was afraid of David's wisdom. In Verse 29 "And Saul was yet the more afraid of David; and Saul became David's enemy continually.
What has all this have to do with Challenges you might ask. When there a blessing to be had after a victory through our challenges, it is often that someone will get jelous of the blessings that someone else has received. Let me ask you. Would you have liked to kill golieth. Or fought the Philistines. Or even in verses 25 have a dowry over Davids head to kill 100 Philistines to win Sauls daughter. Hoping that David would be killed in the process.

Christian let us not be jelous over someone elses blessings or victory. We may not know what that Christian went through to receive a blessing from the Lord. What about Job? There were victorys after his trials.
Let us then live our own Christian life as God would want us. Our victorys are personal. If the victorys are public like David's. Then we need to check on our relationship to God and give Him the praise for what he is doing in our own lives and the lives of others.

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