Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Which Rocking Chair are We Resting In?

James 1:9-11.
9 “Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted:”
10 “But the rich, in that he is made low: because as the flower of he grass he shall pass away.”
11 “For the sun is no sooner risen with a burning heat, but it withereth the grass, and the flower thereof falleth, and the grace of the fashion of it perisheth: so also shall the rich man fade away in his ways.”
What we classify as rich, can be individualized and from country to country. Those that are starving can view us of having plenty of food as being rich. Or those that are living in a one room house in other countries can view us of having a cottage with two or three rooms as being rich, and so on. To the point of us comparing others who have paid off their house to those of having a mansion with a million dollars in the bank.
So what is rich, as stated in verse ten of James one.? I know that in the end we will not take anything with us out of this world!
During our life here on earth, what are we to place our faith in? Do we place our Faith in money or the God who is our provider?

Another question is: If we had a million dollars, would our faith turn to that money or the Lord Jesus Christ? I Pondered over this a lot in my life, so I had a family discussion last night. It worked well.
My son Wade who is twelve, likened it to two rocking chairs.

1. Resting and relaxing upon money and possessions.

2.The other resting and relaxing in Jesus Christ.

Depending on what we are resting in is where our faith is. Is not my son wise at twelve?
So in reality no matter how much money or possessions we have, It comes down to a heart attitude toward it.
After asking my son. What if I got a million dollars. is this wrong? Should I give it away so I can trust Jesus more. Or should I understand that this is God's provision to use? We come up with the conclusion.

1. We would need God's direction on how to use it.

2. If it became a stumbling block, then we would need to give it away and rely on God for other provisions.

3. we would need to ask: Is God providing this money, because He knows the future and is preparing us for it.

I think the question we need to ask: Is God preparing us now in our poor state, so to speak, to prepare our heart attitude that we need to rely on Him? And will money take us away from Him? I think we need to realise that our Lord is more precious than Gold or silver. So that no matter how rich we are in money or possessions, Or what we think as rich or poor. That He is worth more. After all He created and owns all things.
Let us remember verse nine:
9 "Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted:" There is a lot to say for a person who is poor and relying on God's riches. Amen
Encouragemet for today is that: We have God's riches, we can rejoice.
Philip Barrington
KJV Bible.

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